The pyramid of giza cheope to (Egypt): The oldest among the seven wonders, and the only one that still survives today. Represents the glorification of businesses of the Pharaoh.
The hanging gardens of Babylon (Mesopotamia): Where he tells us that the queen semiramide netted fresh roses throughout the year.
The Mausoleum of halicarnassus (Turkey): Monumental grave where rest the satrapo mausolo, located at halicarnassus.
The Colossus of Rhodes (Greece): Huge statue bronzea situated in the namesake island.
The Lighthouse of Alexandria: (Egypt): Construction that rischiarava the path to the merchants who approssimavano at the port.
The Statue of Zeus in Olympia (Greece): Great testimony of religious art, the work of the Greek sculptor fidia.
The Temple of Artemis to efeso (Turkey): From the enormous size and the beautiful architecture