ENGLISH TECHNICAL WORDS ENDING WITH "Manias" (obsession for something) -
English Language and Communication Skills
1. achluomania darkness
2. acromania heights, high places
3. anthomania flowers
4. bibliomania books
5. catapedomania jumping
6. cenomania empty spaces
7. geliomania laughter
8. gnosiomania knowledge
9. hylomania forests
10. iconomania pictures or images
11. kleptomania stealing
12. kyphomania stooping
13. nephomania clouds
14. monomania solitude or being alone
15. nosocomemania hospitals
16. ornithomania birds
17. plutomania wealth
18. selamania light flashes
19. tropomania changes
20. vestimania clothing
2. acromania heights, high places
3. anthomania flowers
4. bibliomania books
5. catapedomania jumping
6. cenomania empty spaces
7. geliomania laughter
8. gnosiomania knowledge
9. hylomania forests
10. iconomania pictures or images
11. kleptomania stealing
12. kyphomania stooping
13. nephomania clouds
14. monomania solitude or being alone
15. nosocomemania hospitals
16. ornithomania birds
17. plutomania wealth
18. selamania light flashes
19. tropomania changes
20. vestimania clothing